.. _qtut_databases: ============================== 19: Databases Using SQLAlchemy ============================== Store and retrieve data using the SQLAlchemy ORM atop the SQLite database. Background ========== Our Pyramid-based wiki application now needs database-backed storage of pages. This frequently means an SQL database. The Pyramid community strongly supports the :ref:`SQLAlchemy ` project and its :ref:`object-relational mapper (ORM) ` as a convenient, Pythonic way to interface to databases. In this step we hook up SQLAlchemy to a SQLite database table, providing storage and retrieval for the wiki pages in the previous step. .. note:: The Pyramid cookiecutter ``pyramid-cookiecutter-starter`` is really helpful for getting a SQLAlchemy project going, including generation of the console script. Since we want to see all the decisions, we will forgo convenience in this tutorial, and wire it up ourselves. Objectives ========== - Store pages in SQLite by using SQLAlchemy models. - Use SQLAlchemy queries to list/add/view/edit pages. - Provide a database-initialize command by writing a Pyramid *console script* which can be run from the command line. Steps ===== #. We are going to use the forms step as our starting point: .. code-block:: bash cd ..; cp -r forms databases; cd databases #. We need to add some dependencies in ``databases/setup.py`` as well as an :term:`entry point` for the command-line script: .. literalinclude:: databases/setup.py :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 9-10, 12, 34-36 .. note:: We aren't yet doing ``$VENV/bin/pip install -e .`` because we need to write a script and update configuration first. #. Our configuration file at ``databases/development.ini`` wires together some new pieces: .. literalinclude:: databases/development.ini :language: ini #. This engine configuration now needs to be read into the application through changes in ``databases/tutorial/__init__.py``: .. literalinclude:: databases/tutorial/__init__.py :linenos: #. Make a command-line script at ``databases/tutorial/initialize_db.py`` to initialize the database: .. literalinclude:: databases/tutorial/initialize_db.py :linenos: #. Now that we've got all the pieces ready, and because we changed ``setup.py``, we now install all the goodies: .. code-block:: bash $VENV/bin/pip install -e . #. The script references some models in ``databases/tutorial/models.py``: .. literalinclude:: databases/tutorial/models.py :linenos: #. Let's run this console script, thus producing our database and table: .. code-block:: bash $VENV/bin/initialize_tutorial_db development.ini 2016-04-16 13:01:33,055 INFO [sqlalchemy.engine.Engine][MainThread] SELECT CAST('test plain returns' AS VARCHAR(60)) AS anon_1 2016-04-16 13:01:33,055 INFO [sqlalchemy.engine.Engine][MainThread] () 2016-04-16 13:01:33,056 INFO [sqlalchemy.engine.Engine][MainThread] SELECT CAST('test unicode returns' AS VARCHAR(60)) AS anon_1 2016-04-16 13:01:33,056 INFO [sqlalchemy.engine.Engine][MainThread] () 2016-04-16 13:01:33,057 INFO [sqlalchemy.engine.Engine][MainThread] PRAGMA table_info("wikipages") 2016-04-16 13:01:33,057 INFO [sqlalchemy.engine.Engine][MainThread] () 2016-04-16 13:01:33,058 INFO [sqlalchemy.engine.Engine][MainThread] CREATE TABLE wikipages ( uid INTEGER NOT NULL, title TEXT, body TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (uid), UNIQUE (title) ) 2016-04-16 13:01:33,058 INFO [sqlalchemy.engine.Engine][MainThread] () 2016-04-16 13:01:33,059 INFO [sqlalchemy.engine.Engine][MainThread] COMMIT 2016-04-16 13:01:33,062 INFO [sqlalchemy.engine.Engine][MainThread] BEGIN (implicit) 2016-04-16 13:01:33,062 INFO [sqlalchemy.engine.Engine][MainThread] INSERT INTO wikipages (title, body) VALUES (?, ?) 2016-04-16 13:01:33,063 INFO [sqlalchemy.engine.Engine][MainThread] ('Root', '


') 2016-04-16 13:01:33,063 INFO [sqlalchemy.engine.Engine][MainThread] COMMIT #. With our data now driven by SQLAlchemy queries, we need to update our ``databases/tutorial/views.py``: .. literalinclude:: databases/tutorial/views.py :linenos: #. Our tests in ``databases/tutorial/tests.py`` changed to include SQLAlchemy bootstrapping: .. literalinclude:: databases/tutorial/tests.py :linenos: #. Run the tests in your package using ``pytest``: .. code-block:: bash $VENV/bin/pytest tutorial/tests.py -q .. 2 passed in 1.41 seconds #. Run your Pyramid application with: .. code-block:: bash $VENV/bin/pserve development.ini --reload #. Open http://localhost:6543/ in a browser. Analysis ======== Let's start with the dependencies. We made the decision to use ``SQLAlchemy`` to talk to our database. We also, though, installed ``pyramid_tm`` and ``zope.sqlalchemy``. Why? Pyramid has a strong orientation towards support for ``transactions``. Specifically, you can install a transaction manager into your application either as middleware or a Pyramid "tween". Then, just before you return the response, all transaction-aware parts of your application are executed. This means Pyramid view code usually doesn't manage transactions. If your view code or a template generates an error, the transaction manager aborts the transaction. This is a very liberating way to write code. The ``pyramid_tm`` package provides a "tween" that is configured in the ``development.ini`` configuration file. That installs it. We then need a package that makes SQLAlchemy, and thus the RDBMS transaction manager, integrate with the Pyramid transaction manager. That's what ``zope.sqlalchemy`` does. Where do we point at the location on disk for the SQLite file? In the configuration file. This lets consumers of our package change the location in a safe (non-code) way. That is, in configuration. This configuration-oriented approach isn't required in Pyramid; you can still make such statements in your ``__init__.py`` or some companion module. The ``initialize_tutorial_db`` is a nice example of framework support. You point your setup at the location of some ``[console_scripts]``, and these get generated into your virtual environment's ``bin`` directory. Our console script follows the pattern of being fed a configuration file with all the bootstrapping. It then opens SQLAlchemy and creates the root of the wiki, which also makes the SQLite file. Note the ``with transaction.manager`` part that puts the work in the scope of a transaction, as we aren't inside a web request where this is done automatically. The ``models.py`` does a little bit of extra work to hook up SQLAlchemy into the Pyramid transaction manager. It then declares the model for a ``Page``. Our views have changes primarily around replacing our dummy dictionary-of-dictionaries data with proper database support: list the rows, add a row, edit a row, and delete a row. Extra credit ============ #. Why all this code? Why can't I just type two lines and have magic ensue? #. Give a try at a button that deletes a wiki page.